Snow Warriors
Campus News | Thursday, January 18, 2018
After a blast of wintry weather dumped several inches of snow on Central Ohio, the Columbus State facilities team jumped into action to clear the Columbus and Delaware campuses, Bolton Field, and the Reynoldsburg and Westerville regional learning centers.
“Our staff spent hundreds of hours clearing snow from Friday night,” said Director of Facilities Operations Mark Dudgeon. “This included shoveling, plowing, and sometimes hand scraping every parking lot, step, ramp, entrance, and crosswalk.” The team also applied thousands of pounds of ice melt, and arrived at 3:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning to ensure all locations were ready for the start of classes.
The weekend’s efforts went beyond snow removal. The facilities team also responded to an unexpected building flood Friday night, and a major transformer failure in Columbus Hall in the early hours Saturday morning. “The team pulled together on Saturday to work with the City of Columbus Division of Power to get a brand new transformer installed and the building back in operation by Saturday evening,” Dudgeon said. They also implemented a backup plan to get backup heat in the building just in case the repair was not successful.
“When you factor in planning (and worrying!), I know it’s been an around-the-clock effort for many days and nights,” said President Harrison of the snow removal efforts. “Facilities literally cleared the path for students to achieve their goals – a great illustration of the college’s values. I’m personally grateful.”
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