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Official Enrollment Verifications

If a student is required by an employer, outside agency, or other related third-party to show that they are enrolled in course work and/or have completed a degree at Columbus State, they may order an official enrollement verification or degree completion letter per the processes linked below.  Due to Columbus State Community College's contract with the National Student Clearinghouse, official verification of enrollment and degree completion must be requested and verified online through the National Student Clearinghouse. This is a free service available to students.  Columbus State is unable to provide customized letters for these purposes.  Students may use the "Response to a Request for a Customized Letter" in combination with an official request should they need to provide further information to the employer/agency/third-party regarding this process. If they are seeking degree verification, they may also choose to order an official transcript instead.  Please use the link below to complete this order. 

PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure that the student's schedule and program of study are finalized no later than 10 days prior to the anticipated report availability date.

Dates that reports are anticipated to be available from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC):
Enrollment Report Descriptions
Spring Semester 2024 Anticipated Report Availability Dates
Summer Semester 2024 Anticipated Report Availability Dates
Autumn Semester 2024 Anticipated Report Availability Dates
Advanced Registration
NOT Reported to lenders
Friday, January 5, 2024 Not 
Friday, August 16, 2024
First Report of Semester
Reported to lenders
Report Created
Thursday, February 1, 2024 Thursday, June 13, 2024 Thursday, September 12, 2024
Verification Available Thursday, February 8, 2024 Friday, June 21, 2024  


Second Report of Semester
Reported to lenders
Report Created
Friday, March 1, 2024 Monday, July 8, 2024 Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Verification Available Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Friday, July 12, 2024  
Third Report of Semester
Reported to lenders
Report Created
Monday, April 1, 2024 Monday, August 5, 2024 Friday, November 1, 2024
Verification Available Friday, April 5, 2024 Wednesday, August 7, 2024  
Fourth Report of Semester
Reported to lenders
Report Created
Monday, May 6, 2024 Not Reported Monday, December 9, 2024
Verification Available Wednesday, May 8, 2024