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test h1

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Fruit Test

  Type 1 Name Type 2 Name
Grapes 3 4
Apples 2 0
Oranges 5 11
Berries 1 1
Bananas 2 4


Meat Delivery Test

  Truck Boat Camel Boat
Boar 3 4 3 3
Duck 2 0 3 3
Goat 5 11 3 3


Stacked Fruit Test

  Type 1 Name Type 2 Name Type 3 Name Type 4 Name Type 5 Name
Grapes 3 4 1 4 8
Apples 2 8 2 4 7
Oranges 5 11 3 3 6
Berries 1 1 4 2 5
Bananas 2 4 5 5 4



Chart Title

  Type 1 Name Type 2 Name
Grapes 3 4
Apples 2 0
Oranges 5 11
Berries 1 1
Bananas 2 4


Stacking Chart Title

  Type 1 Name Type 2 Name Type 3 Name Type 4 Name Type 4 Name Type 4 Name
Autumn 2012 276 123 112 89 132 123
Autumn 2013 457 222 345 312 123 232
Autumn 2014 543 450 445 360 123 343
Autumn 2015 600 555 512 400 455 565
Autumn 2016 123 133 234 123 543 344