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Join the most diverse college in Central Ohio.

Academic Chairpersons

Chairperson, Psychology & Education

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Chairperson, Social Sciences

Chairperson, English

Why Columbus State?

A National Leader

Of 1,200 American community colleges, Columbus State is the only institution in the nation to earn three key distinctions for its work to help students start strong, stay on course, and graduate with great outcomes.

Guided Pathways


Columbus State is one of 30 colleges selected by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) to develop next-generation academic and career pathways designed to ensure gains in completion of both two- and four-year degrees as well as greater marketability for graduates.

Achieving the Dream Leader College

Achieving the DreamTwo hundred of the nation’s 1,200 community colleges are members of the Achieving the Dream (AtD) network. Columbus State is among an elite group of colleges to hold AtD Leader status. In 2019, Columbus State was one of only two institutions to received AtD's highest honor, the Leah Meyer Austin award.

The Right Signals Initiative

Right SignalsRight Signals, supported by a grant from the Lumina Foundation, has identified Columbus State as one of 20 colleges entrusted with developing a new credentialing model to more clearly articulate graduate credentials and capabilities to employers.

A Commitment to Affordability

Thanks to our low annual tuition and financial aid options, 76 percent of Columbus State students take on zero student loan debt. Many go on to one of our nine regional university partners who offer guaranteed admission and credit transfer to Columbus State graduates.

The Most Diverse College in Central Ohio

We serve students from all backgrounds and seek to cultivate an equally diverse workforce.

A Big City with Small-Town Approachability

  • 14th-largest city in the U.S., right behind San Francisco
  • Recipient of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s $50M Smart City grant to develop intelligent transportation systems
  • Excellent public schools, 140 private secondary institutions, and 54 higher education campuses
  • Provides strong support for immigrants and refugees through the New Americans Initiative
  • Received a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Municipal Equality Index in 2017 for its LGBTQ-friendly policies
  • The Discovery District has great coffee shops, a brewery, and a gourmet market within walking distance of Columbus State
  • World-class arts organizations include BalletMet, Opera Columbus, and the Columbus Symphony
  • Award-winning library system with 23 branch locations


Visitors wander the galleries at the Columbus Museum of Art.

HIlls Market

The Hills Market is a locally owned specialty grocery store within walking distance of the Columbus Campus.

Columbus Clippers

Huntington Park in the Arena District is home to the Columbus Clippers baseball team.

Short North Arch

The Short North Arts District is a popular dining and entertainment destination.

Pride Parade

The Columbus Pride Parade draws roughly 500,000 attendees every year.

Columbus Metropolitan Library

The Columbus Metropolitan Library was named National Library of the Year in 2010.