Student Support
Student Support reviews the College’s existing student supports and considers modifications and additions
including those proposed by the College and by the committee; works cooperatively
with student support areas to identify best practices related and provide recommendations
for improvements; work with entry-level areas (admissions, COLS, First Four Weeks,
workshops), DEIS/Distance Learning/Technology Support, Disabilities Services & Veteran
Services, Testing Center, Advising, Tutoring & Early Alert (Starfish), Student Funding,
Scholarships, Financial Stability, Career Services and Pathways/Majors, Student Engagement
(SeAL), Trio, Counseling Services, Textbook Affordability, OERS, Digitization, Peer
Advocates and Social Work Supports, and other evolving areas.
Committee Members
Jeanette Ferguson (Co-Chair), A&S Biological and Physical Sciences
Jorie Schwartz (Co-Chair), HHS Social & Human Services
Selloane Asiamah, A&S Social Science
Lilia Bermudez, A&S Psychology
Eric Neubauer, A&S Social Science
Amy Ng, A&S Social Science
Joan Petrusky, A&S English
Stephen Timmons, A&S Humanities
Charvella McKaye, HHS Human Services
Deb Mosman, HHS Nursing
Alison Romanowski, HHS Nursing
Sara Yurkovic, HHS Interpreter Education Program
Kimberly Pennell, HHS Nursing
Duane Donaldson, Business