Requesting rooms from Central Scheduling
Update | Tuesday, June 29, 2021
With the post-pandemic return to campus underway for Summer Semester and beyond, the Office of Curriculum Management has started receiving questions about how to request and secure rooms for College business. The original setup and reservations of events for campus have been processed. As we begin to bring more people onto our campuses, Columbus State is receiving requests for additional space for academic support purposes. Examples include a faculty member wanting to meet with a small group of students, a department wanting to hold an in-person meeting, a faculty member trying to access better Wi-Fi connectivity to deliver a class presentation, or a program orientation session. Central Scheduling can help accommodate these needs.
Located within the Office of Curriculum Management, Central Scheduling is responsible for the scheduling of all academic credit-bearing sections, providing space for non-credit sections that fall outside of their assigned room partition, and accommodating ad hoc room requests. Ad hoc requests encompass a multitude of situations or needs, including tutoring for students, any section that has a need for additional instructional space for a day or two, academic meetings, student clubs and organizations, etc.
The priority on room scheduling each semester is to place the academic sections (credit and non-credit) into appropriate instructional space before the start of the semester. Once all sections have been accommodated, the scheduling of ad Hhc events begins with those requests that will occur within the first two weeks of the semester and working on to others once those are complete. Final exam week space is the priority for the end of the semester, and ad hoc requests for this time frame will also be held until all class sections are accommodated.
The forms used to complete a room request are generated and processed online. Please provide as much detail as possible for your request to allow us to find the appropriate space for your function. If your request is for a specific class, please remember to include the course alphanumeric and three-digit section number as the scheduling system is section-driven. To request space, please visit the Employee website at this link.
Questions about academic and ad hoc room scheduling can be directed to Jackie Wilson at extension 2537, and ErinBeth Dower at extension 5946.
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