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College2Careers resources for students with disabilities

Update | Friday, July 9, 2021


Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) offers Ohio College2Careers (C2C) at 15 public colleges and universities in Ohio. C2C is designed to ensure students with disabilities have the support they need to complete a credential, earn higher wages, and meet tomorrow’s labor market demands. The C2C counselors are located within the Disability Services offices at Columbus State to assist students  with additional supports, including:

·         Career exploration and counseling

·         Assistive technology

·         Resume and interview preparation

·         Internships and permanent employment

·         Assistance navigating OhioMeansJobs resources

·         Connection to an expansive employer partner network

At Columbus State, Jessica Terry is the C2C counselor. Her office is in Eibling Hall 203D. She can be reached at or 614-287-3817. 

Ohio College 2 Careers flyer 


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