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Multi-factor authentication is on the way

Update | Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A new security sign-on process will soon be required at Columbus State. The process includes a new security tool called Duo. Duo is a multi-factor authentication (MFA) tool that protects employee account credentials by requiring a secondary method of authentication. You may have experienced MFA in other applications such as banking. After entering your username and password, you receive a mobile notification to complete the process of logging into the application.

Duo MFA will be rolled out to employees starting September 30. The plan will be phased in over one month. More details will be announced as the plan and timeline are finalized. Note: once you do register in MFA, you will have an option to use the "remember me" feature, limiting the frequency you would need to use MFA. Specific details will be provided as faculty and staff in each College area enroll in Duo MFA.  

Visit our website for more info on MFA.

The MFA rollout schedule is at this link. Check to see the date for your department. 


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