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Staff Employee of the Month

Update | Friday, June 3, 2022

A Career Services counselor who has been at Columbus State for nearly eight years was named the latest Staff Employee of the Month at last week’s First Wednesday. Julie Collet was nominated by fellow counselor Amy Hawkins. In her nomination form, Hawkins said Collet has been “instrumental in student success resulting in 95% of Modern Manufacturing Work Study students being hired and a 33% increase in information Technology Flexible Apprenticeship student hiring.”

Jeremy Banta, assistant professor of Supply Chain Management, provided a letter of support for the nomination. Banta said, “Julie’s dedication to the students and her job is immeasurable, as is how much she helps students daily.” Collet’s supervisor, Leslie Melton, said, “The phrase ‘above and beyond’ most certainly applies to Julie Collet.” 

Photo of JulieJulie Collet


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