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Columbus State to benefit from new practical nursing transfer guarantee

Update | Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A new statewide initiative guarantees college-level credit to students earning agreed-upon, industry-recognized credentials. It is made possible by a collaboration among the Ohio Department of Higher Education, state agencies, community colleges, and public universities.

Industry Recognized Credential Transfer Assurance Guides, or ITAGs, award credit based upon the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained through credential attainment regardless of where the credential was earned. The first ITAG – announced this month – recognizes the college-level learning acquired through Practical Nursing licensure.

The Practical Nursing ITAG will allow students who meet credentialing requirements to receive credit at Ohio’s public colleges and universities. Individuals passing the NCLEX-PN exam and who have an active Practical Nursing or equivalent license can receive a minimum of 10 credit hours of nursing technical credit at Ohio’s public colleges and universities. The credit is available regardless of whether the learning occurred at a public or proprietary school, or within or outside the state.

At Columbus State, the ITAG process will allow students who attend the Practical Nursing (PN) program to also earn credits toward a nursing degree, such as an ADN or BSN,” said Jennifer Mauck, an instructor in the PN program. “As you can imagine, this could be a tremendous draw for students as they can earn an affordable PN certificate with our program while also earning credit for when they choose to go back and advance their education."

“By allowing nursing students to receive college-level credit for industry-recognized credentials, we are opening more opportunities to advance through career development,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “Health care workers are one of the most in-demand professions today. I look forward to seeing their contributions in the workforce and making a positive impact in communities around Ohio.”

The ITAG policy, approved by Chancellor Randy Gardner in 2021, will create new opportunities for Ohioans seeking to further their education. Many of the ITAG agreements to be created will address the needs of Ohio’s workforce and will build new onramps into higher education for Ohioans who have historically faced barriers. Creating new ITAGs brings both educators and industry to the table. Building upon the state’s existing set of comprehensive transfer agreements, Ohio is well-positioned to incorporate industry-recognized credentials into its nationally recognized structure.

“Developing a qualified workforce that will meet the needs of employers and serve Ohio well into the future has been a top priority of the DeWine-Husted administration,” Chancellor Gardner said. “Announcing this first of many ITAGs is a big step toward assuring that students can pursue and complete their postsecondary education in Ohio smoothly and efficiently and move into a rewarding career.”

The ITAGs project is supported by Lumina Foundation, an Indianapolis-based independent, private foundation, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services through its Workforce Investment Act program.



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