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FPDi Spring Semester workshops scheduled

Update | Monday, January 24, 2022

The Faculty Professional Development Initiative (FPDi) has scheduled new virtual workshops for Spring Semester. (Scroll down to see the calendar.) In addition to the Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) workshops, FPDi also offers:

  • FPDi Diversity Level 1, Level 2 (Equity), and Level 3 (Inclusion) Workshops
  • FPDi Critical Thinking Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Workshops
  • FPDi Alternative Assessment
      Getting Started with Alternative Assessment 
      Alternative Assessment In Your Classroom
  • FPDi Leveraging Teaching with Technology Workshops
    Meeting the Challenges of Student Testing 
    Improving Student Interaction Via Discussion Boards
    Blackboard Base Navigation
    Creating Blackboard Tests
    Engaging Students in Your Online Course
    Time-Saving Blackboard Tools:  Annotate, Rubrics, and the Calendar  

Each 90-minute workshop is live on Zoom. Workshop descriptions can be found here.  

To register, go to Cornerstone. Search for “FPDI” in the Learning Tab. 
Watch this one-minute tutorial video on how to register. 

For more information about the Faculty Professional Development Initiative and educational resources on Active and Collaborative Learning, click here

The calendar for FPDi events in Spring Semester.

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