FPDi adds summer workshops
Update | Monday, June 27, 2022
New workshops for the Faculty Professional Development Initiative (FPDi) have been added in Cornerstone. One new offering is Quality Live Online Teaching. It prepares participants to teach synchronous distance learning courses. Over the two weeks it is offered, participants will meet online with their peers (two sessions), read, view online content, collaborate via Blackboard discussion boards, and complete assignments assessed by the course facilitator.
Faculty professional development workshops are a great place to learn from one another, interact with other faculty members, share experiences and suggestions, and build your personal portfolio. We offer workshops on how to incorporate alternative assessments in your classroom, learn about specific strategies for using active and collaborative learning, take a deeper dive into virtual proctoring, look at how diversity can be embedded in curriculum, and take an in-depth look at critical thinking.
To see the full workshop details and to register to register, go to Cornerstone. Search for “FPDI” in the Learning Tab. Watch this one-minute tutorial video on how to register. (Adjuncts and ACFs will be compensated for completing the workshops, up to nine hours per academic year.)
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