Implementation of “EN” grade for Spring Semester
Update | Tuesday, February 1, 2022
To further support faculty and staff in the use of data, the Student Success Committee of Academic Council has authored a change to Policy 5-09 (D) Grading and Academic Requirements. The change will add a grade of EN – Failure due to non-attendance/non-participation. The policy change has been vetted and approved and is now effective for Spring Semester 2022.
The EN grade is equivalent to an E grade and is to be used for final course grades only. EN indicates the student failed because the assignments they attempted (exams, quizzes, discussion boards, activities, homework) were worth less than 70% of the final grade. If a student attempts assignments worth more than 70% of the total possible points for the course and still fails, they should receive an E.
The Student Success Committee has provided:
The implementation of the EN grade does not replace the need for faculty to complete “Midterm Progress Reporting” or “Participation Verification Reporting.” “Midterm Progress Reporting” occurs one time per semester for all credit-bearing sections and provides a communication to the student, near the midterm point, of their Unsatisfactory academic progress in the section.
“Participation Verification Reporting” has several reporting windows for a credit-bearing section during the semester and provides compliance with Federal Financial Aid regulations.
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