Collaboration leads to successful Career Readiness Program
Update | Monday, January 10, 2022
Extensive planning and collaboration by multiple College departments and outside partners led to a successful in-person Career Readiness Program on December 9. To make it happen, staff members from Partnerships and Programs, the Grants Office, Career Services, and the Biological & Physical Science Department collectively collaborated with Dawson Careers, the Columbus City Schools STEM SInC Industry Council, and The Ohio State University.
The Career Readiness Program provided 42 high school students from Columbus City Schools (CCS) the opportunity to complete a face-to-face mock interview, conduct interviews with career professionals, and engage in a college student panel. By completing the program, the students obtained recognition and awards. The program also featured information about The Columbus Promise, which offers free Columbus State tuition and other benefits for CCS students.
Key coordination was provided by Tom Capps, project manager, Partnership and Programs; Julie Collet, career counselor, Career Services; Alli Kurzawa, coordinator, Grants Office; Laura Shady, program coordinator, Arts & Sciences Dean’s office; and Merideth Sellars, professor, Biological & Physical Sciences Department. In addition, Columbus State had four outstanding students who served on the college panel: LaMont Rankin, Emily LeMaster, Sam Chancey, and Hakimo Abdikadir. Participating high schools included Whetstone, West, Northland, East, CAHS, and Beechcroft.
Below, pictured left, the Career Readiness Program on December 9. Pictured right, left to right, Julie Collet, LaMont Rankin, Emily LeMaster, Laura Shady, and Alli Kurzawa.
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