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Social Justice news

Update | Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Police department to receive award
The Columbus State Police Department (CSPD) will be awarded a social justice award on September 24 at the 2021 Central Ohio Social Justice awards ceremony. The department was selected as the recipient in the category “Law Enforcement – Organization.” The award recognizes organizations that demonstrate social justice leadership, community service, public service, education, law enforcement, restorative justice, youth justice, and legal advocacy. Sean Asbury, CSPD chief, and Renee Hill, the department’s senior advisor for diversity, equity, and inclusion, will attend the event and receive the award.

Senior advisor co-presents before advisory board
Renee Hill, senior advisor for diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Columbus State Police Department, recently co-presented at an event with Napoleon Bell II, director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. The two presented "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Law Enforcement" before the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board on September 8. 

Professor co-authors new book on hate in Ohio
A book co-written by political science Professor Bob Fitrakis, "A History of Hate in Ohio," has been published by The Ohio State University Press. Humanities Professor Marilyn Howard provides an introduction. The book is available at this link

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