Grant-funded program helps Columbus State financial planning students
Update | Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Dozens of finance students from three institutions spent part of the academic year learning how to become financial planners. Working with professional financial planners as mentors, the program is similar to a small internship.
Under the guidance of the professional planners, each student planner works with three real “student customers” outside the program. By helping the other students, the process provides crucial experience providing actual financial planning to customers. What’s more, the “student customers” walk away with some free financial advice.
Columbus State, Ohio State University, and Franklin University are partners in the grant-funded project. Jack Popovich, Business Programs professor, says the program allows Finance Capstone students to gain valuable, real-world planning experience.
Inspire, a publication at Ohio State’s College of Education and Human Ecology, recently featured the program. Read the story.
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