Dozens complete Diversity Training Certificate Program
Update | Friday, August 27, 2021
Student Engagement & Inclusion would like to recognize everyone who completed the Diversity Training Certificate Program. The series of six workshops and 10 hours of training spanned the past two semesters. In all, 82 employees and 11 students completed the certificate program. They are:
Adeina Davis, Adrienne Baker, Aida Owens, Aisha McGrapth, Allison Foster, Alyssa Libby, Amanda Jurden, Amber Spiegel, Amy Shropshire, Andrea Bennett, Andy Woodmansee, Angela Hill, Anne Rundle, Annie Peterson, Ashley Khrushch, Ben Kalb, Beth Stanley, Brandon Groves, Catherine Fleming, Chinue Mutiso, Christianna Hurford, Cynthia Miller, Danielle Sanborn, Darla Van Horn, Deborah Bertsch, Denise Cashon, Derek Zeigler, Dina Galley, Donna Keely, Doug Williard, Douglas Wright, Dustin Craig, Ella Neruda, Emma Clark, Erica Russell-Averette, Heather Crites, Hydy Cates, Jacqueline Lovelace, Jean Liddle, Jeanette Ferguson, Jennifer Dragoo, Jennifer Nardone, Jennifer Gliebe, Jordan Williams, Joy Livergood, Julie Mosca, Julie Posey, Julio Moreno, Karmaya Kelly, Kat McDonald-Miranda, Kate Howe, Katie Weimerskirch, Katina Fitch, Keith Coates, Kelly Fannin, Kevin James, Kristine Kinzer, Laurie Johns, Leken Stokes, Marcia Holleman, Maria Bope, Maria Holderbaum, Marshell Henderson, Megan Brewer, Melanie Watts, Melissa Helpman, Michelle Denune, Michelle Guendelsberger, Michelle Spencer, Monica Peters, Nancy Smith, Nicholas Grimmer, Pat Fabrisi, Rae Lieb Harper, Roger Ball, Sarah Bell, Sarah Fouts, Shelby (Delp) Brennan, Shy Chowdhury, Sowmya Sastri, Stacey Raymond, Stacey Lewandowski, Stephanie Farris, Stephanie Hall, Stephanie Schuler, Susan Downing, Susan Goeschl, Susan Kaiser, Umeko Valentine, Michael Tucker, Brenda Dillon, Andromeda Marie Hall, Sonya Delan and Corey Harris.
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