Holiday well-being during COVID-19
Update | Monday, December 21, 2020
This year has been unique to say the least. We’ve quarantined, worked from home, worn masks, maintained social distance, home-schooled our kids and connected with friends mostly through video chats. It hasn’t been easy! For many people, holidays mean good cheer, shopping and family gatherings. For others, the holidays can be tough. Many people feel more stress, disappointment, guilt and sadness. And this year, COVID-19 concerns may make the holidays challenging for all. Even if you’re feeling lonely or sad, you can still make special moments with these suggestions:
- Be reasonable. Don’t expect this year’s holiday celebrations to be like other years. Staying healthy is the number one priority.
- Give yourself and others a break. Don’t get upset if things don’t go as planned. Enjoy the season. But don’t expect it to it to be the same as non-COVID years.
- Take care of yourself. Get enough sleep and make time for exercise.
- Spend within your budget. Worrying about money adds to the stress of the holiday season.
- Carefully choose the events you can attend. Celebrate with people who are respecting COVID safety rules. Consider gathering online through video-chat. Focus on the true meaning of the holidays for you.
- If you’re away from family and friends, or have experienced the loss of a loved one, share your feelings of grief. Keep the demands on your time, energy and wallet to a minimum. Reach out and talk to loved ones for support.
Mental Health Resources
Columbus State Employee Assistance Program/Matrix (Available to full-time employees, spouses and dependents and regular part-time, spouses and dependents): 614-475-9500
Optum’s Emotional-Support Help Line is available to support anyone who may be experiencing anxiety or stress following the recent developments around COVID-19. This free service can be reached at (866) 342-6892, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and is open to all.
Mental Health America Ohio: 614-884-7227,
Netcare Access Crisis Hotline: (614) 276-CARE (2273)
Crisis text line TEXT “4HOPE” TO 741-741 FREE, 24/7, CONFIDENTIAL.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
National 24/7 Suicide hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Columbus, Ohio Suicide hotline: (614) 221-5445
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