Teny-Miller retires after 21 years at Columbus State
Update | Tuesday, September 8, 2020
The Human Services Department wants to provide an appreciation video for Jackie Teny-Miller, who retired from Columbus State last month. Teny-Miller was a professor of Social and Human Services and spent just over two decades at the College. If you want to record a short video clip for the project, please email it this week to Stacey Raymond, interim chair of Human Services, at sraymon1@cscc.edu. Her department summarized her contributions:
Jackie has been responsible for the Social Work & Human Services curriculum portions focusing on understanding and providing support for individuals with disabilities. Her work in this field, including that of a lead instructor, has produced a program that is highly respected by her peers in both higher education and in her industry. Much of the programing and work with organizations geared toward supporting individuals with disabilities in Central Ohio has directly or indirectly benefited from her expertise and ability to advocate for this vulnerable population.
Jackie has one accomplishment that is dear to her heart and rises to the top of a long list. She created and managed a program that created a certificate curriculum for individuals with disabilities. Hundreds of students who otherwise would likely not have had the opportunity to pursue a path in higher education were able to participate in the college experience because of her work.
Furthermore, many of these students have learned skills and gained experience that allow them to pursue further education at the tertiary level or employment in their chosen field. Her work was recognized and funded through a U.S. Department of Education subgrant via The Ohio State University. This program is well respected by high schools and county agencies looking to find positive options for their students and clients who wish to grow personally and professionally.
Jackie was a fixture in the Human Services Department and the human services industry. Her students make a real and lasting difference every day in Central Ohio.
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