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Preview: 2020 annual Open Enrollment – May 1-31

Update | Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The annual opportunity to evaluate benefit options available to you and your family is quickly approaching. Don’t miss the chance to review your plan and take advantage of new benefits.

Important Dates to Know
May 1 – Open Enrollment begins
May 31 – Open Enrollment ends
May 31 – Deadline to make changes

If you do not plan to make changes, all current benefits will automatically continue, except the Flexible Spending Account, which must be elected every year.

New offering
Pet insurance

Enhancement to coverage
Vision eligibility for dependents has been raised to the age of 26. To qualify, the dependent must be unmarried and living in the United States.

Specifics on pet insurance and enhanced vision coverage will be available in the coming weeks.

Things you can do now
Go to and log in. You may:

  • Review your current elections to make sure they fit you and/or your family today
  • Review your beneficiary/beneficiaries

Things you can do beginning May 1
Go to and log in. You may:

  • Enroll in, or update your benefits, if making a change
  • Enroll or re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Account
  •  Update the spousal survey/affidavit if you have a spouse on your medical plan

Human Resources will provide communication about Open Enrollment in the coming weeks.


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