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Join the Columbus State American Heart Association Heart Walk Team

Update | Monday, June 29, 2020

Columbus State is forming a team for the 2020 Central Ohio Virtual Heart Walk, which takes place Saturday, August 22. Anyone is welcome to register for or donate to Team Healthy Hearts.

During these challenging times, the American Heart Association’s mission – to be a relentless force for a world of healthier, longer lives – is more important now than ever. The walk raises funds for lifesaving science: Science that can teach us all how to live longer and be Healthy For Good.

Now, more than ever during this time of physical distance, it’s important to find new ways to boost physical and emotional health. The Heart Walk is a great way to keep up healthy habits, stay socially connected and keep up with physical activity.

Questions? Contact Nichole Bowman-Glover, Wellness Program Coordinator.

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