Faculty supporting and assisting students
Update | Monday, September 21, 2020
On September 16, the Student Support Committee of Academic Council hosted a presentation and discussion about how faculty can support students experiencing academic anxiety and mental health crises during these difficult times. Ashley Abbott, MA, LPC, from Counseling Services, spoke about symptoms, warning signs, and steps you can take if you notice a student is struggling. The recording of the presentation can be viewed at this link.
Faculty Mental Health Crisis Measures for Students
I. Counseling Services Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. & Friday 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
A. Student expresses thoughts of self-harm verbally or through written means during business hours
1. Ask the student what they meant by their statement and if they are having thoughts of suicide.
a. If the student responds “no” and only that they are stressed or anxious you can acknowledge their feelings by stating that you can hear that they are stressed such as with “it sounds like you are overwhelmed right now, is there anything I can do to help?”
b. After, listening for a few minutes about what might be contributing to their stress offer to refer them to Counseling Services. This can be done in Blackboard through Starfish then clicking onto Referral.
c. When using Starfish please indicate that you have spoken with the student first about the referral and briefly go through the prompts as to the reason for the referral. Counseling Services will receive this referral and arrange a time to speak with the student.
d. Counseling Services can also be reached at 614-287-2818 or you can email them information about a student who wishes to speak with a counselor at counselingservices@cscc.edu. Counseling Services may reach back out for additional information so please be as specific as possible including providing a Cougar ID number for the student.
e. If the student does not wish for a referral to be made please provide contact information for Counseling Services if the student wishes to reach out on their own.
f. If the student responds “yes” they do have thoughts of suicide, ask the student if they are experiencing any plans, means, or intent to commit suicide. Ex. The student expresses that they are thinking about overdosing on aspirin, they have aspirin in their home, and comment that they might take it tonight. If plans, means, or intent do exist please do not use Starfish but contact Counseling Services immediately by phone or email and they will initiate their own safety protocols. However, if the student states that they do have thoughts of suicide that are passive but deny plans, means, or intent ask the student if they can stay safe. If the answer is “no” or they are non-committal, once again contact the Counseling Services office immediately. If the answer is “yes” they can keep themselves safe, ask if you can make a referral to Counseling Services and let them know how to contact us. You can also offer other resources such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 and Crisis Textline by texting “4hope” to 741741. Students can also download the Columbus State Hope and Help app which has those resources and others on the App Store or Google Play.
g. Even if a student does not have an interest in counseling and does not appear actively suicidal but has expressed passive suicidal ideation please reach out to Counseling Services via phone or email as a follow-up as they can provide a wellness check and other possible resources as well as referrals if warranted.
h. Inform your program’s chairperson or the lead instructor of the course about the steps you took. If you have any questions about this process, consult the chairperson or lead instructor.
B. Student expresses thoughts of self-harm verbally or through written means after business hours.
1. Follow the same process as you would for section A and ask the student what they meant by their concerning statement and whether or not they were having thoughts of suicide.
a. If the response is “no” and their issues are related to other things such as stress, you can suggest Counseling Services to them, offer to make a referral, and provide them with other resources such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Crisis Textline, and Hope and Help app.
b. If their answer is “yes” ask if their thoughts include any plans, means, or intent for suicide. If they respond with a “no” to this question you can provide the aforementioned after hours resources, and email Counseling Services to follow-up with a wellness check on the next business day if the student can commit to safety. Please provide their name and Cougar ID number.
c. If the student answers “yes” they do have plans for suicide with possible means and intent, try to confirm their location, and contact 911 immediately requesting a wellness check.
d. Provide dispatch with as many details as possible for the student such as their D.O.B., location, or home address listed in Colleague, and phone number.
e. If the student interaction is through email, provide details on what was verbalized or stated in the email exchanges. Forward email exchanges to the assisting officer or deputy if directed to do so. When contacting a student through email attempt to continue and interact with them as long as possible while speaking with dispatch on the phone.
f. If in a conversation with a student on the phone or in a virtual session, contact 911 immediately and provide dispatch with what was said by the student and that they could not commit to safety or endorsed suicide. Ask the student to confirm their phone number, let them know you are reaching out for help, place them on hold or mute if possible, or call them back once you know police are on their way for the wellness check. Speak to them until police are able to arrive.
g. Email Counseling Services regarding steps taken to reach out to the student and please provide their name and cougar ID number so they can check on the student for possible updates during the next business day.
h. Inform your program’s chairperson or the lead instructor of the course about the steps you took. If you have any questions about this process, consult the chairperson or lead instructor.
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