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TIC staff meets a need at Mid-Ohio Market

Update | Tuesday, November 19, 2019 3:31:19 AM PST

photo of employees loading boxes

(Above, Haneefah Lee and Chris Connell deliver boxes in the Mid-Ohio Market on Friday.)

The Telephone Information Center (TIC) staff met an unexpected need at the Mid-Ohio Market at Columbus State. On Friday, November 15, they unloaded several vehicles carrying hundreds of rolls of toilet paper.

The TIC staff recently bought and collected the rolls after hearing families were in need of that necessity. In fact, it’s the most-requested non-food item at the Market. “Each year during the holiday season, we pitch in to meet a community need,” said Amy Barends, director of the TIC. “This year, we added the Mid-Ohio Market to the list. In the coming weeks, we’ll be working to help a local school food program to provide meals for students over their holiday break.”

group photo
Pictured, front row, left to right: Chris Connell, Toni Rygg, and Haneefah Lee.  Back row: Michelle Schleppi, Kim Hachet, Gloria Lane, and Lori McCammon.


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