Professional Development options
Update | Friday, November 8, 2019
Do you still need to complete some MyPlan Professional Development goals? If so, you might consider registering for the two-part CARES Advocate training in Cornerstone. (Go to the Learning tab, Select Learning Search, and type in CARES.) This training series is hosted by Student Advocacy and will be offered in November and December.
Part one focuses on how to serve as an effective advocate for students. You’ll learn more about barriers our students are experiencing, such as housing and food insecurity, the impact of poverty and trauma, stages and readiness for change and action, the best ways to demonstrate empathy and sympathy, helping a student develop an action plan, and more.
Part two focuses on key college and community resources for support, including information located on our website. We’ll review the services provided by Student Advocacy and explain how to make referrals to our team members. Several case studies (and answers to your questions) will be addressed.
Completion of CARES Advocate Training, Part one is a pre-requisite for attending Part two. Completing both is required to receive a CARES Advocate Certificate.
For more information, contact Tari Blaney or Nancy Smith.
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