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Cybersecurity Corner

Update | Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cybersecurity Awareness Month logo
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), and Columbus State is joining with the Department of Homeland Security to raise cybersecurity awareness. The theme for NCSAM is “Own IT. Secure IT. Protect IT.” Everyone shares the responsibility for cybersecurity, not just governments, companies, groups, or individuals.

Ben Dalton, information security officer at Columbus State, wants to share these NCSAM safety tips:

Own IT

·         Never click and tell: stay safe on social media

·         Update privacy settings

·         Keep tabs on your apps: read terms and conditions and don’t use defaults


Secure IT

·         Shake up your passphrase protocol: create strong, unique passwords

·         Double your login protection: turn on multi-factor authentication where available

·         Shop safely online: make sure the web address includes “https”

·         Play hard to get with strangers: learn to spot and avoid phishing attempts


Protect IT

·         Protect: update the latest security software, web browser, and operating systems

·         Stay protected while connected: avoid free Wi-Fi

·         If you collect it, protect it: keep customer and consumer data and information safe



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