Achievement Analytics training this Friday
Update | Monday, November 18, 2019
Achievement Analytics – Basics
Friday, November 22 from 10-11 a.m. in WD206
Participants will receive an overview of the Achievement Analytics website and learn how Achievement Analytics can help you make decisions with the use of consistent, transparent data. The site includes items such as information on enrollment, course sections, multiple student success metrics, and other academic program level data elements. Reports, such as a College Scorecard, and other Benchmarking information are also available directly from Achievement Analytics. Register on Cornerstone by going to the Events Calendar tab under Learning.
Achievement Analytics – Reports
Friday, November 22 from 11 a.m.-noon in WD206
Participants will receive an overview of the Reports section of the Achievement Analytics website, which mostly contains student-level data. A basic overview of FERPA will be provided. Achievement Analytics - Basics is a prerequisite to this course. Register on Cornerstone by going to the Events Calendar tab under Learning.
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