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College Success Express
July 13-24
Online* and tuition free!


Dear [Counselor’s Name],

As we round out a most unusual school year, programs like College Success Express at Columbus State are more important than ever to help this year’s graduating seniors get a smooth college start. We are asking for your assistance to pass this information along to any students you know who might benefit from College Success Express – even if they have not yet applied to Columbus State.


What is College Success Express?
This two-week, online experience is open to all incoming Columbus State students. The only requirement is that students complete an application for admission to Columbus State, and we're here to help with that as needed!


College Success Express allows students to:

How does it help students who aren't college ready?
For students who have taken a placement or ACT/SAT test and been told their results are not at the “college ready” level, College Success Express is an ideal way to improve their scores and skills, and prepare to start classes at Columbus State this Autumn Semester. It’s often the extra boost that students need to open the doors to earning a college degree that would otherwise be out of reach.

What about students who don't have computer/wifi access?
Because College Success Express is completely online this year, Columbus State is committed to assisting students who do not have access to wifi or a computer. There is a place on the re
gistration form to request this assistance. 

Register to attend and learn more at

Questions may be emailed to In addition, students and counselors may  contact Program Coordinator Kimberly Connell at 614-287-2292. 


ABOUT COLS 1101/New Student Orientation: This required College Success Skills class is usually taken as part of most students’ first-semester schedule at the cost of one credit hour. College Success Express gives students a head start by completing COLS 1100 in just two weeks, before the semester starts, and at no cost! College Success Express concludes with New Student Orientation and students leave their Autumn Semester class schedule in hand.